Instagram Live with Safe Infant Sleep

On December 13th, 2021 I participated in Instagram Live with an awesome non-profit called Safe Infant Sleep (website). We were answering questions about safe sleep, travel, holidays, and what can be a reason for sleep disturbances. All these questions were submitted by followers. 

#1 - Any tips to encourage sleep in car seats at nap time during travel? 

You can't force a child to nap. What you can do is to create a sleep-promoting environment using soothing techniques and hope they will take the option and nap. 

To create a sleep-promoting environment you can:

  • blackout the window closer to the side a child's car seat is on;

  • use a sound machine;

  • offer pacifier - sucking relaxed babies;

  • make sure they had the opportunity to burn off their energy before the nap;

  • hold their hand;

  • sing to them;

  • make sure their tummy is full;

  • make sure their diaper is dry;

  • make sure they are comfortable - not too hot, not too cold.

Yes, they may be fighting the nap and if that happens offering a low stimulation, relaxing activity will help them relax and not get super overtired. 

If the nap time didn't happen then an early bedtime or a rescue nap - in a carrier or stroller - will be beneficial.

#2 - Any easy ways to blackout windows when traveling to family members' homes?

There is a lot of easy ways to block out the windows while traveling. My all-time favorite is a Slumberpod (website). It is easy to travel with, blocks any light, has a space for a baby camera and a fan. It is super well ventilated. It is done by incorporating ventilation panels in the design. It also allows parents to have some time to decompress after a child is already asleep. Another easy way to blackout the windows is to purchase blackout shades with suction cups.

#3 - Do you have recommendations for a carrier/wrap for a one year old?

Any soft carriers will be good as long as the child's weight and height fit within the carrier limits. Remember, the carrier needs to be comfortable for the person wearing it as well as for the child who will be carried in it. I like the brand Baba and BabyTula

My friend Sarah is an amazing resource for everything babywearing. She is an owner and founder of Joyful Baby CO. Sarah's business rents carriers so parents can try them, figure out if they like them and if they are comfortable while wearing a child in it and if the child likes the specific carrier. It allows parents to make fully informed decisions after seeing the product in person. You can find her on Instagram @joyfulbabyco or you can go to her website.

#4 - How to prepare for travel when crossing multiple time zones? (Colorado to Hawaii in this situation)

While traveling through multiple time zones you have a few options.

A) Do nothing before the trip and help the baby adjust to a new time zone after arriving at your destination. Some steps you might consider doing while helping your child are: waking the baby in the morning at her/his regular morning wake up time, offering an extra nap, offering an earlier bedtime than usual.

B) In this situation we are talking about a trip from Colorado to Hawaii which is 3 hours difference. You can adjust now half the difference before the trip (1.5 hours) and then the second half of the difference after arriving at the destination.

C) do the 3-hour schedule adjustment before the trip.

This is up to you. Each family is different and before deciding I would recommend thinking about what method your lifestyle allows you to choose, your plans for the vacation time, your child's personality, and your child's ability to handle changes.

#5 - Is the Merlin Magic Sleepsuit safe?

Yes, Merlin Magic Sleepsuit is safe for sleep. Merlin Magic Sleepsuit is transitional sleepwear for the period when they are too old to be in a swaddle, but Moro reflux remains strong and it disturbs their sleep and they aren't quite ready for the sleep sack. It's designed to be used for a short period. As soon as your child shows any signs of rolling over or expresses a desire for movement before or during sleep time you should start the transition out of it.

#6 - Are the fleece crib sheets safe? Other fabrics that are safe/unsafe?

Yes, fleece crib sheets are safe as long as the sheet is well fitted and meant for the dimensions of your crib or bassinet mattress. Something to remember while choosing a crib and/or a bassinet sheet: make sure it doesn't disturb the structure of the mattress and make it too soft. A child's mattress should be firm. 

#7 - Tips for the nights? Baby won't sleep anywhere but on me. 

After birth babies come out knowing only the sleep environment from the womb. That's a reason they enjoy sleeping on you. Your smell, the warmth of your body as well heartbeat are what they remember and feel safe around. 

If your child does not tolerate sleeping anywhere else than on you, I do recommend creating a safe and loving environment for them to practice the skill. It can be practiced during playtime, nap time, or any other situation which requires your child to lay on a flat surface.

After your child is comfortable laying on a flat surface and knows it is a safe position and they are comfortable with it I would move to focus on at least one nap a day happening in an environment that is safe and designed for them to sleep in. 

A few things to remember before starting the practicing process, make sure your child's diaper is clean, their tummy is full and they are not overtired. 

You need to be ready to support them in any way they may need you to. They might protest as it is a new situation, a new environment, and a new routine. Don't leave them to cry. Just support them. Show them they aren't alone and are safe and loved during that time and always. 

Let me know if you have any additional questions. I would be more than happy to help you.


Safe sleep - everything you need to know


The Mama’hood